Tripolis is 40 km north of the Denizli City center. It is established in the east of Yenicekent Town in the Buldan District, on the slopes between the Buyuk Menderes River and the town. It is connected to both Aegean shores and to Inner Anatolia and the Mediterranean with the Buyuk Menderes plain opening towards west. The city is 30 km to its peer Laodikeia, which was established on the Curuksu Valley, 20 km to Hierapolis.
Tripolis is one of the border, trade and agriculture centers, providing transportation to Karya and the Frigia, which is located within the Lydia region. Its arcitectural structure and city life makes it one of the richest cities of the region. Tripolis is estimated to have been established during the Lydian times. The ruins of the city have had Roman and Byzantine influence in terms of style. The best samples of the monumental buildings were constructed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. According to Plinius, the city is also called Apollonia. Tripolis and its surroundings experienced many earthquakes and wars throughout history. Since the name of Tripolis was included in the list of the Lydian Bishops, the city must have acquired a bishopric status.
Buildings of Tripolis
Located in the city center, it is constructed as a Greek theatre in the Roman style, in total harmony with its surrounding. It once came close to total destruction. It once had a capacity of approximately 10,000 people.
This structure is situated approximately 200m west of the theatre. It is located outside the city walls. Although its external walls are partially strong, the vaulted and arched internal parts were destroyed. Some great niches still decorate the thick walls.
Fort and City Walls
Tripolis is surrounded with city walls and fortification, which have remained from the late Roman and Byzantine times. The walls of the city are supported with watch towers and thick walls. The wall alongside the theatre meets with the tower on the highest hill, in the north of the city. The tower is aimed for both defence and watching of the approaching enemy.
It is on the eastern and southern slopes of the hill. Here, there are rock graves, podium graves and sarcophagi.